Jen Prazak

RN, BSN, RNC-OB, Associate Consultant

Jen Prazak is an Associate Consultant at Walsh Consulting Group with a decade of healthcare experience. Her background as a clinical and travel nurse in medical-surgical oncology, labor and delivery, and endoscopy across five different hospital systems provides her with valuable insights into facility layouts and medical equipment needs.

Ms. Prazak’s experience includes the following:

  • Plan and budget medical equipment in hospital expansion and new construction projects throughout the schematic design and design development phases for large academic medical center
  • Work closely with clients, architects, engineers, facilities, and senior administration on large scale and smaller building projects
  • Collaborate with vendors to gather technical information and obtain equipment quotes
  • Develop specifications for medical equipment for Operating Rooms, Prep/Recovery/PACU, Antepartum, Labor & Delivery, Cesarean Section, Post-Partum, Advanced Endoscopy, Imaging, Interventional Pain Clinic and Procedure, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Physical Therapy
  • Perform quality control checks and resolve inconsistencies within projects

  • Create and format reports for various project team groups

  • Document detailed meeting notes and draft meeting minutes for distribution to the project team
  • Assist with medical equipment report deliverables for project team submittals


Accelerated BS in Nursing. Saint Louis University. Saint Louis, MO


Certified Registered Nurse – Inpatient Obstetrics, 2018-2024