Walsh’s approach on all medical equipment consulting assignments is both interactive and collaborative. We believe in a consensus building team effort in which department managers actively participate in budget development through a series of user group interviews, thus ensuring future adherence to this critical monetary guideline.

Our hospital backgrounds provide us with an understanding of the intricacies of hospital operations. This helps us decipher realistic needs versus “wish list” planning. Based on our experience with past projects, we routinely challenge user requests when we feel they are inappropriate.

Patrick S. Walsh
Patrick S. WalshPrincipal / CEO
James K. Melia
James K. MeliaPrincipal
Beth A. Lucera
Beth A. LuceraPrincipal
Lisa Y. Berich
Lisa Y. BerichRN, BSN, Senior Consultant
Karen M. Pinnella
Karen M. PinnellaSenior Consultant
Rhandi L. Weinstock
Rhandi L. WeinstockSenior Consultant
Keith N. Borgeson
Keith N. BorgesonSenior Consultant
Lorna S. Sutton
Lorna S. SuttonLEED AP BD+C, EDAC, Senior Consultant
Scott D. White
Scott D. WhiteSenior Consultant
Robin Hoff Chandler
Robin Hoff ChandlerRN, BSN, Senior Consultant
Brian C. Walsh
Brian C. WalshAssociate Consultant
Julia L. Cleveland
Julia L. ClevelandRN, BSN, OCN, Associate Consultant
Jen M. Prazak
Jen M. PrazakRN, BSN, RNC-OB, Associate Consultant
Kesha Patel
Kesha PatelBMET, Associate Consultant
Michelle L. Pinnella
Michelle L. PinnellaProcurement Coordinator
Sarah Roarty
Sarah RoartyProject Coordinator
Nathaniel S. Spidle
Nathaniel S. SpidleBIM Planner
Michael Koziol
Michael KoziolBIM Planner